Sixth Grade
Why do we sometimes see different things when looking at the same object?
6.1 light & matter
8 lessons | 18 days of instruction
This unit on light and matter begins with a perplexing phenomenon of one-way mirrors and how this material can act as both a mirror and a window at the same time. This experience prompts students to wonder: Why do we sometimes see different things when looking at the same object?
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $297
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $88
Consumables for 1 class
How can containers keep stuff from warming up or cooling down?
6.2 thermal energy
18 lessons | 37 days of instruction
This unit on thermal energy transfer begins with students testing whether a new plastic cup sold by a store keeps a drink colder for longer compared to the regular plastic cup that comes free with the drink. Students find that the drink in the regular cup warms up more than the drink in the special cup. This prompts students to identify features of the cups that are different, such as the lid, walls, and hole for the straw, that might explain why one drink warms up more than the other.
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $479
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $156
Consumables for 1 class
Why does a lot of hail, rain, or snow fall at some times and not others?
6.3 weather, climate & water cycling
22 lessons | 41 days of instruction
The unit starts out with anchoring students in the exploration of hailstorms from different times and locations. These cases spark questions and ideas for many investigations. The second half of the unit is anchored in the exploration of a weather report of a winter storm that affected large portions of the midwestern United States. This case sparks questions and ideas for investigations around trying to figure out what could be causing such a large-scale storm and why it would end up affecting a different part of the country a day later.
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $496
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $96
Consumables for 1 class
What causes Earth's surface to change?
6.4 plate tectonics & rock cycling
14 lessons | 26 days of instruction
Mountains move! And there are ocean fossils on top of Mt. Everest! In this plate tectonics and rock cycling unit, students come to see that the Earth is much more active and alive than they have thought before. The unit launches with documentation of a 2015 Himalayan earthquake that shifted Mt. Everest suddenly to the southwest direction. Students wonder what could cause an entire mountain to move during an earthquake.
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $317
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $45
Consumables for 1 class
Where do natural hazards happen and how do we prepare for them?
6.5 natural hazards
10 lessons | 21 days of instruction
This unit begins with students experiencing, through text and video, a devastating natural event that caused major flooding in coastal towns of Japan. Through this anchoring phenomenon, students think about ways to detect tsunamis, warn people, and reduce damage from the wave. As students design solutions to solve this problem, they begin to wonder about the natural hazard itself: what causes it, where it happens, and how it causes damage.
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $198
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $40
Consumables for 1 class
how do living things heal?
6.6 cells & systems
14 lessons | 25 days of instruction
This unit launches with students hearing about an injury that happened to a middle school student that caused him to need stitches, pins, and a cast. They analyze doctor reports and develop an initial model for what is going on in our body when it heals. After various investigations, students apply their model for healing to explain growth at growth plates in children's bodies as they become adults.
Learn more in the Unit Storyline.
All materials for 1 class
MULTI KIT | $321
Materials for 6 sections
ADD-ON | $44
Consumables for 1 class