We’ll come to you!


Design, CAD, coding, 3d printing and laser cutting under one (rolling) roof


1 - 5 day programs

$700/day (+ travel exp)

Funding is available to reduce costs in select areas

Thanks to generous support from the donors listed below, we we launched this sweet lab on wheels last spring, and we are ready to bring it to you!

This rolling makerspace includes ten 3D printers, 2 laser cutters, laptops and lot’s of prototyping materials. Programs center on Design Thinking while creating projects in CAD and outputting to our digital fabrication devices.

Contact us to inquire about scheduling a program in your area.

Thank you to our generous sponsors…


David L. and Rita E. Nelson
Family Foundation

Cornerstone Foundation
of Northeast Wisconsin, Inc.

K.C. Stock Foundation, Inc.

einstein Design Lab Calendar (TBD)