Our world has changed. Their world has changed.
This pandemic is a phenomenon that needs exploring.
How are you helping students to process the impacts and develop an understanding of COVID-19 that transcends news reports, social media posts, and political rhetoric?
Kids are naturally curious. They want to understand what is going on around them. This pandemic is a current event like no other. It presents a unique opportunity to explore the intersection between science and society in a way that is certain to engage even the most reluctant learners.
The Einstein Project in partnership with XXXXX is raising awareness of COVID-related instructional materials, and providing instructional support to teachers and school districts. Educators are stressed already. The Einstein Project is making implementation simple for teachers and engaging for students with student facing Google Slides and integrated videos of local health experts.
Learning Opportunities…
Science of Infectious Disease
Self Awareness
Social Awareness
Responsible Decision Making
Tolerance for Social Justice
Interdisciplinary Investigation
COVID-19! How Can I Protect Myself and Others?
Grades 3-8
The Smithsonian Science Education Center has an Open Educational Resource (OER) series that focuses on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals. This new resource developed with support from the World Health Organization, the InterAcademy Partnership, and Johns Hopkins University addresses four of those goals: 1) Goal 3 - Good Health & Wellbeing, 2) Goal 4 - Quality Education, 3) Goal 6 - Clean Water & Sanitation, and 4) Goal 11 - Sustainable Cities. The curriculum contains seven tasks that use science as the foundation to help them discover answers to questions they may have about COVID-19 and help them act with their new scientific knowledge to protect themselves and others in their communities.
Institute for School Partnership - MySci: COVID-19 Module
Grades 6-8
The Institute for School Partnership based out of Washington University in St. Louis, Missouri with support from Bayer Fund created a learning module for students in grades 6-8. The module focuses on the question “How do we keep ourselves and others safe and informed during the coronavirus pandemic?” It consists of three learning cycles and a performance task which asks students to create a public service announcement for social media that uses scientific information to explain the pandemic, informs policy makers, or encourages individual action.
OpenSciEd - COVID-19 & Health Equity Units
OpenSciEd is a non-profit organization that seeks to improve science education through the development and implementation of high-quality OER materials. They develop and organize partnerships of educators, curriculum developers, professional development providers, and philanthropic organizations with the goal of creating a comprehensive K-12 science curriculum. They have coordinated the development of three multidisciplinary units that integrate social-emotional learning and attention to equity. At grades K-2 students explore the question, “What can we do to keep our community healthy?” In grades 3-5 students focus on the question, “How can we make decisions to care for ourselves, our families, and our communities?” At the high school level, students use mathematical models and computer simulations to investigate the question, “How can we slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus to protect our communities?” All of the units use a well-developed instructional model to engage students in meaningful learning for 12-17 days of instruction.
A free account with OpenSciEd is required to access these materials. Register Here!
What Can We Do to Keep Our Community Healthy?
Grades K-2
How can we make decisions to care for ourselves, our families, and our communities?
Grades 3-5
How can we slow the spread of the COVID-19 virus to protect our communities?
High School